segunda-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2007


Hello everybody!

First of all, I would like to sorry about my ennglish, 'cause has been a long time since the last time that I used this language! So, I think that while I´m keeping the BLOG, my english will get better in a natural way... ^_^
This BLOG, is a try of mine to let the Familiy around the world know more about Ving Tsun in RIO.
You may asking yourself what kind of title to a BLOG is that(PEARTREE??) ok, that is why my surname in portuguese is PEREIRA, wich translating into english is Peartree. So as, the people at Mogun call me just by Pereira, I created last May, the "BLOG DO PEREIRA" (something like: "PEARTREE´s Blog) hehehe
But first:
Let me introduce myself!
I´m Thiago Pereira, my kung-fu name is MOY FAT LEI . I´m from Moy Yat Ving Tsun Rio de Janeiro, my Sifu is Mr.Julio Camacho(Moy Jo Lei) and my Simo is Mrs. Daniela Camacho(Moy Tan Ni).
So, my family is Moy Jo Lei Ou, and we are a part of the Moy Yat Sang´s Clan, of my Sigung, Mr. Leo Imamura (Moy Yat Sang).
In Brazil, specially in Rio, you could see that every male child born liking to play soccer, and I was not different, but, when I was 5 years old, some japanese Tv series were showing on TV, like "Jaspion", "Changeman", "Flashman" (just like the Power Rangers) So , I asked my mom, tu put me in the Judo classes at my school, and I trained that art for one year...

(me[6 years old],my dad(dressing black) and my Sensei at that time, Mr. Wanderley)

(me[at left], and a great friend playing martial arts at the place that we lived at 90's)

But the Judo classes stopped in 1991, one year later that I was in, and I decided to dedicate myself to my other passion, as I said before: SOCCER! ^_^ But the life, will take me back to the martial way, 'cause in 1996 I moved with my family to a new neiborhood, and like a movie, I was surrounded of bad guys on the street, and at school every time, and at the last time, when a big guy take away my favorite hat(A MIGHTY DUCKS HOCKEY TEAM one) , my uncle taking me home said:
"Hey boy! you cannot let the things this way! Ask for your father to put you in Karate!!"
But I didin´t like Karate anymore, so I went for Capoeira (a brazilian fighting style) with a good friend, but to do the Capoeira, you have to be very flexible, and I´m like a robot..

(me dressing a red t-shirt playing soccer, my second great passion)

So I discovered Tae Kwon Do, and trainned along one year and a half, but the instructor was gone, and one more time I was lost, loving the art but don´t having anyone to teach me... those were hard times..
So, one day, with two great friends that I finally made, in 1999, we were waiting for the bus to go to school and one of them asked me:
-That name, was not the name of the art that you said Bruce Lee trainned?
So, I look to the other side of the street and read: "MOY YAT VING TSUN" , and I tought: "man, I passed along this avenue, every single day and I never saw that thing! I´ll go there someday! Oh! Leo! yes, I think that bruce lee did that art!"
So, two weeks later, I went to that place, and I met my Sifu, Mr. Julio Camacho, and finally, with 15 years old, 4 months later, my mom let me join the Family. And I was so happy to train at that place

(me playing the form in Cerimony to join the Family, with my Kai Siu Yan,Miss Ursula Lima,Moy Lin Ma)

So, since that time I started to Training very hard !
This art was very incredible for my eyes! The relashonship between people, between older brothers and the young ones, between Sigung and his todai. Between my Sifu and his Sidai(my Sisoks), and the techniques! I´ve never saw something like that! very quickly and almost magic. And since them, like magic again, I´ve never more been surroundend on street or at school..
But even training hard along the years, there was something missing in my kung fu. I was just worry about the fight techiniques, and Kung Fu Family was in a second place everytime.
So, one day, a little boy that I met at the Japanese Language course where I was studing , asked me to take him to the Mogun, 'cause he was wanting to know the art, Ving Tsun.
He loved it, so Sifu declared me , as his Kai Siu Yan, and since that moment I was responsible for the little Wasserman inside the Family, but of course, under Sifu supervision.
Later, the brother of a great friend of mine, wanted to joined the Family too, and once again, Sifu said to him: "Pereira will be your Kai Siu Yan, as since as his brought you and introduce you for us"
This decision, change everything to me. That was not just about me anymore , now was also about my two sidais:

Thiago Wasserman(yeah! he has the same first name as me!)... and..

...Phelipe Pita, whom now is also a great friend of mine.

So, these two guys change my kung fu forever. 'Cause I had to run for information about tehcniques, about ways on the chinese table, cerimonies, etc etc.. just to give them orientation when necessary.
And for the first time, I was trying what Sitaigung Moy Yat called in english by : "Kung Fu Life"(Sam Fat - way of the heart) , 'cause I was with my Sifu and the Kung Fu Family more time than the usual, and learn a lot more!
Now , I´m, trainning the "Long Pole"(Luk Din Poon Kwan), and trying much more time with my kung fu brothers and systers .. and principally, with my Sifu and my Simo too.. and now I think that I´m receving the true kung fu.. 'cause it´s not just about the stronger punch, but its also about the stronger heart!
So that´s a little about the guy that will send all the news from Rio de Janeiro(Brazil) to all the Moy Yat Family that the internet reach!! ^_^
Some moments ...

(me(golden t-shirt) in Kids Class at the new studio in Norht Zone of the Rio)

(my grandpa Carlos and me[1986].He passed away last November,but always wished that someday I could become a master)

(me and the very friendly and skilled Sipagung Lester Lau [2007])

(receving the Biu Ji certification from the hands of Sitaipo Helen Moy, a great honor for me! ^_^)

(a great friend and sister in kung fu family: Paula(Moy Gam Ma)
(me and one of my greatest friends in the Family,and also a partner for the Kwan: Vladmir Anchieta[Moy Wu Lai], with the Kwans at the back!)

(Kung fu life: Sifu(dressing brown) and me(dressing black) at his side, and a lot of Sihings,Sidais and Sisoks at the chinese restaurant nearest of our Mogun)
("SURPRISE!" : the Kung Fu Family celebrating my birthday: Xenia(green),at left of the pic,the legendary Sisok Andre', and at right,Sifu and Simo claping hands!)

(me and Antunes, doing a demonstration at a University)

(making a demonstration dressing sandals (!!!) . Sifu is at the Back laughing a lot)

(with Sipagung Pete in 2003 ! )

(and now in 2007 with one of the greats)

(hehehe.. me and my cousin Roberto when we were 18 years old! that´s the way when you have a cousin maniac for martial arts! hehe) (BAAI SI: The most importante day at my kung fu journey. At the pic: Me beeing hugg by my Sifu, my Simo and her sweet smile(dressing blue), at the back: The great Sigung clapping hands, and Sitai Vanise Imamura, similling too!)

(me trying to help the great Sigung in a demonstration in a Club at South Zone of the City)

(Me, my Simo and my Sifu at the time next to our Mogun´s grand oppening in 2004)

(me, playing guitar, Sifu and Diego at his side. Probabily I was playing the only thing I know: "Legiao Urbana" [the greatest brazilian rockband] hehehe)

(kung Fu family soccer team! )

(me and Sifu)

(me and sifu singing at his birthday in 2006)LINK ON YOUTUBE:

(a man that I respect a lot: The Sifu of my Sifu! my Sigung Leo Imamura(Moy Yat Sang)


Feel free to send me e-mails:

merry christmas and have a wonderful new year!

best wishes to all from Moy Fat Lei.

come back again!