sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2008

XX Moy Jo Lei Ou Family´s Traditional Cerimony and YAM CHA

Hello everybody from outside Brazil, has been a long..long time since the last post, and I´m sorry about that , but I had some urgences and now, I hope to be able to keep the BLOG going on !

Today´s post, is about the XX Traditional Cerimony of kung fu Family Moy Jo Lei Ou.
Our Family, is the next generation after Sigung Leo Imamura´s(moy Yat sang) Family.
So we are part of Moy Yat Sang´s Clan, wich is also inside Moy Yat Clan.

My Sisok, Mrs. Inês Braconnot(Moy Pei Gon Lok), let the Family use her old house, in the neirbohood of Jacarepagua(Rio de Janeiro), to make the Cerimony and the Yam Cha.
For my Sifu, Master Julio Camacho(Moy Jo Lei), this house, means a lot, principally, because at the last time that Sitaigung Moy Yat and Sitaipo Helen Moy visited our City, they went there.In other words, that is a house with lot of kung fu important moments.

This Cerimony was very important too, because we had people of the 2 new studios of Moy Yat Ving Tsun in Rio(one at the south zone, and other at the North Zone of the city) and also from our branch, starting to make part of the Kung Fu Family. These people were:

1-Aline Lisboa (Leblon Studio- south zone)
2-Kátia Dantas(Moy Yat Ving Tsun Rio de Janeiro Branch)
3-Priscila Borges (Méier Studio-north zone)
4-Bruna Lisboa (Leblon Studio - south zone)
5-Felipe Mury (Méier Studio - North zone)
6-Guilherme Farias (Méier Studio - North Zone)

Sifu call the atention of the people present in the cerimony for the detail that it was happenning today, in great part because the dedication of one woman called , Ursula Lima (Moy Lin Mah), who is my Sisok.
Sisok Ursula, is pregnant, she will be mother indeed next March, but she still going on, helping the Ving Tsun of Rio de Janeiro. And we can considerate , that she´s like a "right-arm" of her Sihing,[my Sifu,Julio Camacho(moy jo lei) ].

The cerimony, ran with lot of emotion from the six candidates to ingress in kung fu Family. Their relatives were there two, very touched too.

After the Cerimony, at the same place, we make the Yam Cha, to gathering the Family together. And also, to Sifu give the "tone" of the year.

So, today, was a very significant day for Moy Jo Lei Ou Family, and also of course, the Moy Yat Ving Tsun from Rio de Janeiro.

now, I have some pics from today:

(the candidates doing a last trainning before the Cerimony.)
(one of the tables for the Yam Cha)
(Sisok Ursula(Moy Lin Mah),organizing the last things on the "principal table",for Sifu and Simo)
(Sisok Fernanda(Moy Fei Na Tat)[dressing white], helping the candidates moments before the cerimony starts)

(and now, Sisok Ursula(moy lin mah)[dressing black] , giving details about PAK SAO)
(my Sisok,the gentleman Felipe Soares(Moy Fei Lap),making the oppening speech of the Cerimony)
(Sisok Inês Braconnot(Moy Pei Gon Lok)[also the one who let us use the house],dressing white,preparing the Yam Cha .)

(Jade Camacho(yellow) and Pedro Kremer(black) doing the movements of Siu Nim Do before Cerimony)

(I had to put a photo of her :) Sifu´s youngest daughter,little miss Julia,who stolen the scene this morning!hehe)
(And Finally, a photo from the moment of the Cerimony,where some of the candidates were doing the movements of Siu Nim Do)

Moy Fat Lei
(Thiago Pereira)
Moy Yat Ving Tsun Rio de Janeiro Branch

feel free to send me a e-mail:

see you next time!