sábado, 26 de abril de 2008


Hi Moy Yat Family,

Since last Friday ´till next Monday noon, Master Leo Imamura, will be with us in Rio working the Ving Tsun System.
And today, he maked a speech with the participation of my Sifu, Master Julio Camacho at one of the most famous Universities of our City, called Gama Filho University, or just UGF.
That was kind a interview.. Sifu Julio for example, maked some questions about Ving Tsun, and strategic intelligence, etc.. and Sigung Leo answer those. Beyond that, Sisok Diego maked a demosntration with Sigung, for the present people see how Ving Tsun can deal with perception of the other with martial movements..

At the end of the talk, Sifu Julio, received some questions writen by the people with their doubts , and Sigung tried to answer almost all.

As you see, we dont have yet the photos, because all of them are take by the official camera. But at the end of this meeting with Sigung, I hope to get the pics and show to you here and wirting down every single moment..

For a while, some pictures..
The UGF, have three branches in our City. And this one in the pic, is in the Downtown Mall,where the speech happened. A very beautiful place.

This was the room, where the speech happened. The auditorium of the University. That was a big hit, the room was full of people wanting to know more about Ving Tsun, people from other lineages and diferent styles, and of course, a lot of guys of kung fu family,wich for personal reasons are out of the Family for a while...

Soon Ill bring the official Pictures.

Thanks also for Sipagung Lester.

Moy Fat Lei

quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2008


Hello everyone,

I´m here to say, that between April 25th and 27 th, Master Leo Imamura, my Sigung, is going to stay with the Family in Rio for Ving Tsun activities..

Ill try to take a lot of pics to show to you all, but while these days dont come, I ll show to you the advertising material for Sigung Leo´s speech in 26 th, here in Rio.

The Speech will happen in a University that I study called GAMA FILHO. This University is very traditional in Rio, and this speech will be open for the public know more about Ving Tsun.
Sifu Julio Camacho, await that each member of Rio´s Moy Yat Family, bring 8 or 12 friends or relatives to watch..

We hope that the room stay full.. not just of people, but full of questions and doubts to make the thing work by the two sides..

See you,

Moy Fat Lei

The art is by Master Julio Camacho, my Sifu. To see the big version of this, just click with the mouse, so a new window with a giant photo will open.

domingo, 6 de abril de 2008


Hi Moy Yat Family,

Has been a long long time..

first of all, my apologizes for didint post photos of Master Leo Imamura, my Sigungs birthday..

Ok, so lets go..

My Sifu, Master Julio Camacho, always talk about his trips with his Sifu, master Leo Imamura, to NY, and how was the days with Sitaigung Moy Yat. He said that Sitaigung used to like to play pool, and it all part of the kung fu life.. just stay with your Sifu and learn even playing pool..

I´m having this chance now, on Sundays mornings, playing soccer with Sifu and two sisoks: Diego Guadelupe and Carlos Reis.
Sisok Carlos, is the manager of the matches, and a very good scorer, most of the times, he uses his head to hit the ball to the goal..

I just took a little far away photo, next time I´ll send more..

see you..

ohh.. ok I like to wake up very early in the morning, but Sunday mornings at 7:00 am you see me this way.hehe
Sifu wearing blue and white waiting for the ball next to the goal.
Okay , this photo is from another day, but just to let you know Sisok Diego Guadelupe. We also play soccer together on Tuesdays nights.. hehe

And now, Sisok Carlos Reis, the man organizing the matches and making a lot of goals with the head.