quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2008


Hello Moy Yat Family,

I´m here today, to share with you, the first pictures sent by Sifu Julio Camacho, of his second trip to Angola.
He is there now, with Sisok Felipe Soares[Moy Fei Lap]. Trying to start a Moy Yat Ving Tsun story in African continent by the hands of William Franco. A Sifu´s todai who lives there.
This moment is very important for the Moy Yat Family, ´cause the System goes on , but now, in Africa...

Tom Jobim airport of Rio: from left to the right: Thiago Silva[Moy Chi Yau Si], Sisok Felipe[Moy Fei Lap] , Sifu, Carlos Antunes and Claudio Pamplona.
A ´see you later´ before the trip.
A great picture of Sifu already in Angola, with William Franco. But you have to note somethings in this pic right? The visual looks like some Rio de Janeiro´s streets, and look at the wheels of the car... hehe whats happened??
Sifu and William, oficial picture.
William Franco is a brazillian dentist, who have a great life story, that you will know here but not now. By now, you only have to know that William starts to make history.As he always did.
Picture of the second day in Angola.
Another special picture: This time, Sifu Julio Camacho observes one of the firsts Moy Yat Family members of Africa continent doing the form, under the Sitaigung Moy Yat picture.
can you see how significant this moment is?
Now, you see Sifu and Sisok dressing uniforms in a very beautiful room.

I´m gonna post more pictures as soon as I have it.
Cause the internet there is not so good all right?

But before leave, I´d like to say: Happy Birthday to a great friend and Sisok, called Diego Guadelupe:

Sisok Diego[Moy Dai Lap], wrote a book called: Printmaking,the fine art. And in this picture you can see him at the night of autographs.

Sisok is a Dai gee of Sigung Leo Imamura and a very importante member from Moy Yat Family in Rio.

Happy birthday to you Sisok.

Thiago,Moy Fat Lei

suport: Paula Gama[Moy Gam Ma]

quarta-feira, 14 de maio de 2008

Sigung Leo Imamura visits Rio de Janeiro.

Hello Moy Yat Family,

A post that I was in debt.. but now I bring for you, with pictures of Sisok Diego Guadelupe,Moy Dai Lap, and Felipe Mury.

So,as I said before in a older post,Sigung Leo Imamura came to our city last April, to our anual meeting, with a lot of trainning, kung fu life and all the things..

So, better than my words, is show the pictures..

Let´s GO

Before starts the talking with the Family, Sigung salutes the Jing Tong of the Mogun.
Sifu Julio Camacho making the oppening speech of the event with his Sifu by his side.
from left to the right: Katia Dantas, Dai Sihing Leo Reis, Thiago, Diego and Paula, pay atention on Sigung´s words.
A relax moment, some hours later, at the Paula Gama´s house. Paula , Moy Gam Ma, is a very close Dai gee of Sifu Julio Camacho. And she and her adorable husband, Gui, openned their residence for Kung Fu Family have a very delicious dinner. And thats me standing and dressing pink with my fiancée,Karol, at my back.
Now, my dear Simo, Mrs. Daniela Camacho, talks about the adventures of beeing a mother of two children.. hehe,very nice stories.And my fiancée, Karol, is paying a lot of attention, but me for a while just enjoying the stories.. hehe.. I still wanna a Nintendo Wii for me..it´s too early..hehe

A great picture of Gui, our host and Moy Gam Ma´s husband.And Sigung having fun during the dinner.
Next morning, we have this great picture of Sigung , talking about what we call Ving Tsun Experience, or Siu Nim Do, as some of you already know.
Sigung is beeing suported by Dai Sihing Leo Reis, and Sifu is at the back of the pic.
Above all of they, the eyes of Sitaigung Moy Yat at the picture on the wall..
Great moment.. the past and the present.
And now, some minutes later, EVERYBODY WAS KUNG FU FIGHTING..
The great Sisok Ursula Lima, Moy Lin Ma. Had a little baby a month ago called Rebeka. And she showed up at Mogun during the trainning for her Sifu, Master Leo Imamura, have the chance to know the Little Rebeka.
Very sweet pic.

In the afternoon of the same day, was the time to Sigung makes his open speech at Gama Filho University´s Auditorium, in the Downtown Mall.
A lot of people was there even before the speech starts.. NICE.
Sigung and Sifu in da house. We´re starting.
The speech , was indeed , some kind of talk show. How can I Say? My Sifu, master Julio Camacho, maked some questions about Ving Tsun and related themes, and Sigung tried to answer all of them. And at the final of that, people was allowed to make questions to Sigung too.
How could you take from simbolic fight movements, significant experiences for you life outside de Mogun?
With a little demonstration with Sisok Diego Guadelupe,Moy Dai Lap. Sigung Leo Imamura, tried to explain that for the audiences with movements of Ving Tsun System.
Sunday morning is time to go to the beach and trainning..
Sigung was drinking some water cause was very sunny in that morning. My young kung fu brother, Silva, Moy Chi Yau Si, is at his side. But even looking like a bad boy in this pic, Silva is a very sweety guy..
I just think that the sun light was on his eyes.. hehe
Sunday mornigns in Rio, when it´s sunny,everyone goes to the beach. And this picture is like a surprise , cause you dont see ordinary people around the Family watching the trainning.
Sometime ago, in another trainning at the beach, we all were doing the Siu Nim Tao in front of the Ocean. At the same Beach: Barra da Tijuca. As you see, our uniforms are black, and when we were doing the siu Nim Tao, a couple stop next to someone of the Family and ask:
Hey, the movements are very beautiful, but, why dont you use white color? So, you could represent peace in our violent city.

When Sifu knew about that some days later, he said:

That was funny, cause White in some countries of East, means Death or something related. If we were dressing White color and doing the Siu Nim Tao in front of ocean, a couple of japaneses for example could think that someone has died.


Sisok Diego, Moy Dai Lap, and Sisok Fernanda, Moy Fei Na Tat. A very significant moment captured, but I let you make your on conclusions about that.
One of the last trainnings before Sigung leaves the city. In this pic, we can see at left, Vladmir Anchieta,Moy Wu Lai. Dai gee of Master Julio Camacho and my Kung Fu brother, with a great life story. And at right, Marcos Leiras, who is also my kung fu brother and a man with a lot of passion for martial arts.
Sunday night , Sigung and Sifu at the restaurant. Sisok Fernanda is in the picture too.
Kung Fu life.

So everyone,
I hope you all enjoy the pictures.
One more time, sorry about my english, but I´m trying my best in this moment.

See you all, and thanks for the visit.

Thiago Pereira,Moy Fat Lei.

Méier Studio´s Jing Tong Borning

Okay, sorry for take so long time to writing down all the events of Rio´s Moy Yat Family here, but I had some questions to work.. but now, I´m back to the BLOG..

So, today, was a great day in Méier Studio, in North Zone of Rio de Janeiro. ´Cause a picture of Sitaigung Moy Yat was put on the wall , and began what is gone be the Jing Tong of Méier Studio.

That was a really excited moment, cause if you stop and think, a man decades ago, came out from China, went to the States, and years and years after that, his picture has put on a wall , in another continent, as a signal that his beautiful work with people and Ving Tsun system, still go on nowadays...

First of all, Mister João, a man who works at the place where the Studio is located, gives to Felipe Mury, my Kung Fu young brother some lessons of how to keep the picture on the wall without riscs of fall down.. hehe the always nice Mister João..
After that it´s time of Felipe Mury put the red silk above the Sitaigung´s picture.
That´s me doing the last ajusts on the visual..
And finally, we have the presence of Sitaigung in the room, by a simbol of his image. That image, just for be on the wall, brought a new breath for the room and for us.. Thats the energy of the Kung Fu Family..
After putting the picture on the wall, we started the activities of the day, but first, a work made by Felipe Mury, with Sigung Leo Imamura´s shadow, and a advertising saying:ROOM IN ACTIVITY
Carla and Guilherme doing the Siu Nim Do sequence..
Later, Guilherme shared with his Sijeh , Priscila Borges, the details about Sifu Julio Camacho presence in Méier Studio last week.

The Dai Sijeh of Méier Studio, Priscila Borges doing her Siu Nim Tao.
A great picture, just because we can see Guilherme doing Siu Nim Tao under the new picture of Sitaigung Moy Yat in Méier Studio. Thats a great symbol, about how the dream of Sitaigung of preserve the System is going well, even in a place so far..

You´ve reach us Sitaigung..

Thanks for everyone

Thiago,Moy Fat Lei
from Rio de Janeiro