terça-feira, 2 de setembro de 2008


As I ask on the portuguese BLOG every time that we have a emotional post, please, this time go for download the song: "Sweet child of mine" , under the voice of Sheryl Crow. That song was track in the OST of the 1999 movie, "The Big daddy" with one of my favorite stars, Adam Sandler!
I think this song is good for this post, cause we´re gonna talk about the "Siu Ye Kuen"...

"Siu Ye Kuen" is a chinese term wich means something like "martial art of the young lords" or even "The Fist of the young lords".

If you have ever seen the Jet Li´s movies called "Fong Sai Yuki 1 or 2" or even the recent "Fearless" , you may notice that people calls his charcters as "Young Master" , and if you focus on the sound, you will listen them say "Shao Ye" (the mandarin pronunce for Siu Ye, or Young Lord).

This term, is about the past, the traditional chinese families, hire Masters to take care of their children education. Those masters were responsable for teach them things like: traditional caligraphy, culture, good ways on the table, and of course Martial Arts.

So, this way, the education of these "young Lords" was almost entire connected to the Sifu teaching.

Our patriarch Chan Wah Shun (Jau Chin Wah 1849-1911) was the master who maked the Ving Tsun very famous inside the chinese traditional families, finally receving the denomination of "Siu Ye Kuen". This way, Master Chan Wah Shun, was able to teach inside Yip Family´s propriety, and have our legendary patriarch as a student.

About Rio:

Last year, my good friend, Roberto Viana and Marcia Velloso, started the work with children at our branch. Some months later, Sihing Leo Reis[moy lei wong] and Sisok Fernanda Neves[moy fei na tat] took the project, and made that very famous inside our clan.

So today, we have : Lucas, Luana, Jade and Pedro as the Rio de Janeiro Branch Siu Ye Kuen students.

In these classes they can learn : Ving Tsun History, Chinese Culture, Ving Tsun techniques [based in Siu Nim Do], etc..

Last december, and this year in February, we had two workshops for children at Meier Studio. There were a lot of children, but only in May, Mrs. Teresa, a dedicated grandmather, looking for some martial art for her grandson, found us in Meier. She talked a little with me, liked the Ving Tsun, and took the little 7 years old Thiago Thiers [yeah! Same name as mine!] for start Ving Tsun.
At left dressing blue, is Mrs. Teresa, and at her side, we have Thiago. The boy who was responsable for the begginning of this categorie of trainning at Moy Yat Ving Tsun Meier Studio.

Just two weeks later, I met Rafael and Rodrigo Caputo. Two brothers who also lives in Meier neighborhood and like a lot martial arts.
They started in Ving Tsun and called another two friends of their school: Lucas and Marcelo.

Rafael(dressing white) and his brow dressing a blue cap. They also like to play guitar and skate.

I have to say that in the begginning I was a little terrify, cause I would have to deal with persons about 7,10,12 years old. but today their classes are one of the moments that I have more fun inside my "stormies" weeks.

Today I dont have words to express the feeling when I´m with them. Cause till today I can remember my first martial art Instructor, Wanderley Sensei in Judo. And also the second one some years later, Flavio in Tae Kwon Do.

They were two persons like heroes for me, and this feeling cause some deception too. So I´m just trying to act as a Sihing with the help of some kung fu brothers like: Guilherme , Felipe Mury and my fiancée , Karol, who is also helping us at Meier with the children.

This way I think I can represent a little my Sifu Julio Camacho.

I hope that some images and a little clipe that I made, be able to express those moments!

please enjoy!

Thiago Thiers(the first Siu Ye of Meier) and Marcia Velloso. The owner of Dharma Space, where Meier Studio is located.
Rafa(long hair) helps his Sidai Lucas , to feel without see, when is the right moment to move and give an another punch. Karol observes the trainning.
Children trainning Ving Tsun kick.
Me trying to explain to the children what Hung Bao is. Felipe Mury (dressing white) just observes.
Okay Governator, I´m not feeling like you in your movie! Our children are more relax! ^_^
we also have ludic moments! One day, the boys said: "Hey yo Sihing! We want to see how the Ving Tsun Long Pole is! "
So next week I took a Gwan from the Rio de Janeiro Branch, I show that at Meier. They liked a lot. And we play with that like the legend of Leung Yi Tai at the river.
So, I pick a pen, put it on the pole, and asked them to try to write the ideogram "Muk" or "Mù" (who means wood). That was really fun!
Now, if they have any problems they can make a "wood ideogram" on their enemies' bodies. Like Zorro when he makes the letter Z with his sword. hehehe
"WWE moment"!!! In another ludic moment. Rafa and Lucas are trying to "steal" the Jong´s arm from Marcelo. Who has two legs and one arm, and a brain to use his Ving Tsun to dont let this happen! Cause one hand have to hold the Jong´s arm.

Now! have some fun with the video with the best moments!!!

*In the begginning of the video, you will see a joke with the Place where studio Meier is located, cause that place calls DHARMA SPACE.
*After that, you will see the Moy Yat Logo with a photo of a lot of cars on the backgroud. That is Dias da Cruz Street. Where the Meier Studio is! Under the logo you have the words: "MEIER STUDIO" in yellow.
*Next frame, you see a phrase in portuguese who means: "The youth is not a time of your life, is a spirit feeling" . A great chinese saying.

*After watch the video, scroll down the blog and see the photos of the new team of this site!!!


If you have miss more posts in this site, now finally I´m not alone anymore, and the Blog will bomb with news!
Cause now we are a team!
The most nerds members of Rio de janeiro Branch joined forces to post news about kung fu family and a lot of nerd things like on portuguese blog!!!

Now, know more about these three guys!!

name: Thiago Silva
in english: James from Silva
kung fu name: Moy Chi Yau Si
city: Rio de Janeiro
super power: Thiago is able to spend a super-human time in front of the computer working.
worst enemie: The SAM(Rio de Janeiro Branch´s intranet system)
biggest dream: Realize a "internet project"(it´s a secret!) with his kung fu brothers..

name: Thiago Pereira(oh yeah! "Thiago" is very commum name, like Bob or Jack..hehe)
in english: James Peartree
city: Rio de Janeiro
kung fu name: Moy Fat Lei
super power: walk long distances to not spend money with bus and buy japanese comics.
worst enemie:The DVDs Boxes' prices.
biggest dream: Find all the episodes of the japanese Tv series "Lone wolf and cub" (Kozure Ookami) from 70´s.

name: Carlos Antunes
in english: Charles Antunes
kung fu name: Moy Shan Si
city: Rio de Janeiro
super power: be the "Wii master", and super human capacity to be polide!
worst enemy: the two guys above, who never went play Wii with him in his house on Saturdays afternoons.
Biggest dream: Work as a Judge in the future.(so he will be like Nicholas Marshall from old Tv Serie "Blind Justice" from 90´s)

So thats all for today!!!

I hope you enjoyed!!!

Moy Fat Lei