terça-feira, 4 de novembro de 2008

Simo Daniela Camacho Birthday

posted by Thiago,Moy Fat Lei

saying of the week: "Do or do not,there is no try(Master Yoda-Star Wars)

Hello Moy Yat Clan!

Now I´me here to talk about the birthday celebration of Simo, my Simo, Daniela Camacho.

With the courage and hard work of Carlos Antunes(Moy Shan Si) with the help of Sisok Ursula Lima(Moy Lin Ma), the celebration happened at Bistro Restaurant. The owner of the place, let us close the doors just for Kung Fu Family.
Carlos brought a Karaoke too! (Oh man!hehe)
My dear friend and kung fu brother, Valdimir Anchieta(stand up), make the oppening speech.
Sifu Julio Camacho and Simo pay attention.
That was the principal table, with Sifu and the discipules. On the Pic, you see the blond one, Paula Gama(Moy Gam Ma) , and by her side Sisok Ursula(Moy Lin Ma), and by her side, Xenia D'avila(Moy Sing Yat). Sifu is dressing pink on the picture.
Me(dressing yellow) and Vlad(by my right side dressing white) are discipules too, but we kind like to seat with the guys and eat like pirates telling stories(that you never know if thats true or not) and eat like ocean wolves.. hehehe
Oh! The kids table! Cards, playing , light food and loud voices!
That beautiful young lady are Sifu´s youngest daughter Julia Camacho. And we registred her first Yi Ji Kim Yeung ma!! hehehe very nice!
Thats me again, my fiancée Karol, and from Meier Studio, Felipe Mury.
The moment of Karaoke!
People stay serious waiting for the final point of Adda!
Three generations of Ving Tsun practioners: (dressing black): Paula Gama[Moy Gam Ma], (dressing white) her daughter Adda, and maybe dancing the Macarena(hehe) her granddaughter , Little Fernanda.
We finish with the sweet picture of Simo singing with her two daughters: Julia and Jade Camacho.

Happy Birthday Simo!!

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